
Topic: Copywriting

Copy For An Anti-hypertensive Medicine

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

im currently in a crisis of thinking what copy is best for this anti-hypertensive medicine. i have done this before and i am running out of idea.

the theme of the literature should be about:

celebration of life
prolonging life
valuing precious moments
....anything about life

previously, i have used copy such as :

1st series:

life is a game, where you could make the right move.
life is a piece of cake, where you could make it sweeter
life is a road, where you could choose the right way

2nd series:

sing to life's merry melodies
move to life's new groove
paint life with a new color

there, please help me to create a new one.

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  • Posted by michael on Accepted

    Is the target MDs or the public. Push or Pull?

  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Life is a dance and you're the lead.
    Share your gifts with more people.
    Live longer, live stronger.

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