
Topic: Copywriting

Copywriting Techniques Across Industries

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have a background doing freelance copywriting for article and white paper marketing in high tech, but I am trying to move into biotech.

It is my understanding that white papers for lead generation are not very well-known in the world of biotech.

Could someone suggest a plan to pitch potential biotech client's on the value of a white paper, especially if they have never heard of the concept before?
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Seems like you could create a niche for yourself as someone who can take scientific findings and make those results make sense to the average person without a PhD in Biology. That is how you should position your offering.
  • Posted by Jessica_Castro on Member
    I work for a biotechnology company and if you could explain to me how you would want to use white paper marketing or what it actually is, I could help you pitch a me on my profile... and we'll see if we can help each other...

    Good luck!
  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    Assuming you are ghost-writing the white paper, the white paper could really help the biotech firm get speaking opportunities.

    In your pitch, I think you should focus on who the intended audience would be -- media, customers, prospects... there would be different benefits for each group.

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