
Topic: Copywriting

Catchy Caption For Sales Career Opp. Ad

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need something modern and creative caption for Career Opprtunity ad looking for sales person
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    "Wanted: Dynamic Sales Superstar"
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Why catchy/creative/modern? What's the objective? Are you trying to appeal to a certain kind of person who is into catchy/creative/modern? Not sure I understand what you're trying to accomplish with the caption. What is in the picture you're trying to caption?

    Wouldn't you be better off focusing on the benefit of answering the ad, or helping the right candidate self-select based on information you've put in the ad? Or do you just want quantity of responses?
  • Posted on Author
    It has been quite creative and pulling caption. I am convinced. Thanks for such a good and fast response.

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