
Topic: Copywriting

Sales Letter Question

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
Hello everyone,

Thanks for dropping by..

My business approach is getting universities to allow me to advertise on their campus (giving out free pens, product sampling etc.)

I need to approach the division of student affairs to get their approval on it. I think the best approach is sending them a letter along with a presentation CD (done) to the office so they can learn about our company easily via CD presentation.

However I need help writing up a good letter (sales letter?). Are there a cost efficient way for this? The primary objective of the letter is briefly introduce ourselves, have them play the CD then encourage for a meet up discussion.

So my question will be where do I go about in getting someone writing up a good letter (in a cost efficient way). Are there places(website) I can go for in such task. Or if you're able to write 1 up do let me know..

My email is joshlim80[at] if your personally interested.

Hope to hear from you guys soon

Kind regards,
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    The best way is to attempt to write the letter yourself or write an outline for the letter and hand it off to someone with some copy and writing skills.
  • Posted by babbsela on Accepted
    I think your approach is wrong. Yes, it's a good idea to send them a letter and CD. However, it will get lumped in with all the advertising mail they get, and may get tossed without being opened. Or, at best, it will be set aside to "review later." Later often never comes.

    The best approach is a brief phone call followed by a letter and CD, and then followed up with another phone call.

    For a cost-efficient copywriter, I suggest you look for a marketing student at one of the universities you are targeting. Most schools have job boards where you can post your request. You'll get a bunch of responses to select from, and they will charge much less than a professional.

    A bonus there is that they may use your piece in their portfolio, which will give you some added exposure. They may also be able to give you an introduction to the decision maker at their school, or tell you who you would need to talk to.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I really like the idea of getting a marketing student at each of the colleges to write such a letter. It adds a flair that will differentiate you in a big way.

  • Posted on Author
    Hi everyone,

    Thank you so much for taking the time in giving me the advices..

    I only have limited amount of university to approach (5 averagely) so each university approval is very very crucial. Due to this, it leaves little to no room for error/testing.

    I'll like to know where do I source for such talent (copywriting) online as well as usually how much does these services cost?

    hope to hear from you guys

    Thank you once again for dropping by.

    Kind regards,
  • Posted by babbsela on Member
    2 good places online to look for copywriters are and

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