
Topic: Copywriting

Sales Letter Question V.2

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
Hello everyone,

Thanks for dropping by. This is a somewhat follow up of my previous question titled “Sales letter question”.

My business approach is getting universities to allow me to advertise on their campus (giving out free pens, product sampling etc.). I only have approximately 5 university to approach therefore each university approval is very crucial therefore it leaves me little to no room for experiment/try-outs.

I need to approach the division of student affairs to get their approval on it. I think the best approach is sending them a “letter/proposal” along with a video presentation CD (done) to the office so they can learn about our company easily via video CD presentation.

I’ve done the video presentation part however I am not very good in writing/constructing a good letter/proposal. The objective is to have them understand we’re different, encourage them to view the cd presentation and of course ultimately meet us up for a face to face discussion.

My question will be: Where do I go around sourcing for copywriters for such job in the most cost efficient way? As it’s a new start up, my budget is rather low.

Alternatively if you’re interested do drop me an email at joshlim80[at]

Thanks for reading guys, have a nice day!

Kind regards,
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You could post your copyrighting project at:

    or on Craigslist, or contact your local Chamber (to find out who they'd recommend, etc.)

    Great copy tends to cost more, looks easy to do, and works great. However, being a wordsmith isn't trivial. They need to understand exactly who you're targeting, and the "buttons to push" to get their action.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    You might not need a sales letter or a copywriter at all.

    I agree that since you have only five universities to go to, you should just call up the department you need, state your case, and then ask how you go about getting the approval that you need.

    I have no idea how many similar requests they field or how they go about approving/denying, but I think your best bet is to pick up the phone or show up in person and get the information you need.

    Are you trying to send letters and CDs because you're not comfortable on the phone or in person?
  • Posted on Author
    Hi guys,

    Thank you for your advices.

    While I do agree with calling them up directly as its more straight forward and direct, conveying my message through a phone might be unclear. Also there's also risk that they might misunderstand what I'm saying and goes "Oh those stuff, na.. no thanks" or something similar.

    If I got rejected on phone, I'll be somewhat stuck as if I still try to follow up / send them letter / video etc it might be rude to them since they have already said no. Therefore I wouldn't want to risk the initial approval due to lack of understanding towards my company.

    and yes, I'm not very comfortable on phone as well.. But I'm somewhat okay face to face ..

    Therefore my concern of phoning them up will be unlimited to get my idea across as its all talk, however with image and video presentation they can better absorb the whole idea.

    My strategy is somewhat like the following
    1)Send them a package (Letter + CD video presentation) The package will be a courier which requires signature on the recepient.
    2) Follow up with a phone call briefly introducing myself and enquire if they have received the package Ive sent, telling them that we hope they could check out the CD and if their interested arrange a meet up discussion.

    Btw thanks Phil for dropping by the second time, I actually tried to contact you via your website contact form but haven't heard from you. Have you received my msg?
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Why a courier? Why not drop it off yourself? Maybe you get lucky and can make your presentation right then? At least while you're there, you can get the name and number of the person you should call. Also, get the name of the person who gives you that person's name, number (the one who takes the package).

    When you call, you'll say, "Hi, this is Josh, I stopped by earlier today and Ms. Smith said that I should give you a call." And so on.

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