
Topic: Copywriting

Need An Email Subject Line To Attract Investors

Posted by Anonymous on 30 Points
Hi, I am with an advisory firm, which helps client prepare report and get Private Equity Funding for their projects.

I am looking forward to have tie-ups with investors like PE funding companies and Banks

I am planning to send an email to them...I would like to know what could be the apt Subject Line to attract the investors

Kindly suggest. Thank you.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Top 5 Ways To Fund Your Project
    The Quick Way To Equity Funding
  • Posted by michael on Member
    You're in a tough spot because you can't use deceptive lines or you land in spam country. But lots of spam filters reject anything with invest, fund, cash etc.

    Subject: We introduce havers and needers


  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    If you are on the client-side trying to raise capital, and if you're hoping to blast out a bunch of email to investors in an effort to market your company and/or your clients' projects, I have one thing to say to you:

    "Good luck."

    This is just not how business like this gets done. Not at all.

    This is a business about relationships and knowing what investors are looking for what and bringing it to them ONLY when you know that you meet their criteria, etc.

    If you become known as a company that "shotguns" investment opportunities, you will never have any credibility.

    Moreover, think about how many other people are probably out there doing the same thing--sending unsolicited investment opportunities by email. I bet it's quite a lot. I doubt the recipients of these emails even read them.

    I think you're going to have to do this the old fashioned way: Pick up the phone, make introductions, and keep an exceptionally clean database for use when you have a deal to market.

    There's a process here that is tested and time-honored. I suggest that you use it.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Are you really using "Rolex" as the name of your company?

    I'm thinking this is not a good idea...

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