
Topic: Copywriting

Is It Ok For Someone To Take Your Restaurant Menu?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I bought a restaurant and the owner prior to the one I purchased it from decided to get back into the restaurant business. He opened a restaurant near mine and took my menu, almost word for word. He even gives the history of my restaurant on his menu, citing that he used to own it and is carrying on the 60 year tradition that the restaurant established.
Needless to say, customers think to two restaurants have the same owner.
This man is not nice, and plays dirty. He is also a convicted felon. Is there anything that I can do?
He is trying to run me out of business and with the economy in such turmoil, I am afraid of what will happen.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Unfortunately, this is more of a legal issue than a marketing issue.
    But, I would suspect that unless he signed some kind of very long term non-compete - there is nothing you can do about what he is doing.

    My advise would be to out service and out shine him. You could perhaps change your menu to read - the origninal accept no subsitutions. Or run a series of ads that list how your restaurant is imitated but not co-owned.

    Above all, I would stick to the blocking and tackling of your industry. Good service, friendly atmosphere, connection to customers, and an occassional free desert thrown in to cement loyalty.
    If you dwell on the actions of this "crook" you will be the one with a heart attack not him.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you both for such a quick response. I will take both suggestions. My brother recommended that I call the Attorney General's office, so I guess I will try that also.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    How is the perception of his restaurant? If it's good (better than yours??), then the confusion that you think is in the mind of the diner may work to your benefit.

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