
Topic: Copywriting

Opening Message For Main Page And Sales Page

Posted by rimagico on 250 Points
I am interested in your copywriting suggestions for the following website:

I am particularly interested in the main page, and the Crash Course page.

I would also be interested in any suggestions for page presentation & navigation. For example, should the main landing page have the blog, or should it have another message, and refer viewers to the blog.

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You need some professional help with the copy for your site. The problem with the blog format is that it doesn't let you focus clearly on the positioning benefit and the call to action.

    It's good to have a blog, but you need a landing path or a very focused home page if you want to sell stuff/convert visitors.

    Either go to "Hire an Expert" (in the column at the right) and "post a project," or look through responses from the leading experts on this forum (to see who you think might be good for this) and contact them directly.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Rob - I have a similar kind of blog for publishers and marketers it's usually at the top of page one for search terms such as 'subscriptions marketing' and 'subscriptions marketing advice'. It does me well and brings in good consultancy business.

    So blogs on home pages can work well.

    The key to the copy is to put in the search terms you need to sucessfully market your site. If you have someone to do that then get them on it asap, because your home page is light on relevant words.

    Hope that helps. You can see my sites to get an idea at: and

    Hope that helps and good luck!

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Well without spending too long on the site, I know that the main thing you need to do is use copywriting to attract good internet traffic and also to hold the attention of younger visitors when they arrive.

    You need the top header to be more punchy, “From affording college to buying your first car, buying gifts to buying your meals, the way that you manage your money will determine how well you live your life.”

    For the crash course page, your use of keywords within the header is probably more important because this appears to be your main revenue page and main page to get traffic to.

    “Don’t let your son or daughter become the victim of fraud or worse still live their life constantly in debt and struggling financially. A poor credit rating now, means that they will need to fight through life to get what they need.”.

    Anyway, just a few ideas.

    Good Luck

    [URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    To add my 2 cents: improve your banner headline ("One of the most valuable lessons that young people need is never adequately given. We help explain essential money skills that all adults need to know."). This is too passive and long-winded. For example, consider something like: "We Help Young Adults Learn Money Skills The Safe/Smart Way".
  • Posted by Clare Mckee MA on Accepted
    I find the tone a little condescending to young people. Sales page would make better home page with some alterations.
    Headline on blog page is far too wordy. Maybe something like: Don't loose your first pay check or the best lesson so far is yet to come.
    Not enough info on the sales page, much of it is falls after the buy page.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Have you actually talked to the folks in your primary target audience? What words do they use? How do they explain their needs in this area? What are their hot buttons?

    It seems to me that's the place to start.

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