
Topic: Copywriting

Another To Write This Sentence.

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Independently performs the full range of cash management duties to include receipt, disbursement, examination, deposit and safeguarding of cash and checks.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Independently performs the full range of cash management duties to include receipt, disbursement, examination, deposit and safeguarding of cash and checks.

    What's the goal? Who is the target audience? What is between the lines? Why write the sentence again?

    I'm sure I don't understand what you want.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Could you give more information ie: Clientele, what context the letter is to be written etc.

    If you wish to contact me directly, please feel free.
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    Sounds like resume fodder is needed, though as is it's quite succinct. Might try this:

    Administers all aspects of cash management including, but not limited to, receipt, disbursement, examination, deposit and record keeping.

    Hope this helps.

    Jennifer P.
    xprt creative

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