
Topic: Copywriting

Help With A Postcard To Reach Marketing People

Posted by sjohnp on 250 Points
I run a small marketing company with clients in finance , energy and manufacturing. Given the hard times facing myself and probably many other companies just like me it's difficult to know where to direct my energies to get new clients and build my business. I realise there is no easy answer and spend a lot of time on the phone and sending out follow up emails.

Anyway, instead of sending out another letter I thought about the idea of sending out a slightly cheeky postcard (printed) and thought the 'novelty' factor may work. Just wondered if you have any ideas/sparks of inspiration/image suggestions which could work in terms of generating a response and put a smile a Marketing Managers face'. Tall order but all ideas welcome
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    rather than a single creative postcard, I think you should consider a series of oversize postcards.

    There have been a great number of questions about postcards on this forum. I would suggest that you use Google to search this site. A Google search on the following:


    (You can also use the "search questions” function to the upper right, but searching with Google provides more power and flexibility)

    Will generate nearly 300 links to prior comments on this forum about postcards. Good luck.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Instead of a mass mailing that's not likely to generate any solid leads, why not deep dive one company and identify an important need they have that you can address. Do a mini-project on that company, and present it as a way of introducing yourself to them.

    That way you get to pick your target and get involved in a real-world issue that should be extremely valuable to the prospective client.

    If that works, do it again with another company. If it doesn't work, find out why, fix it, and then do it better with the next company.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Steve - your idea is classic two-stage marketing and works well. The important thing is to capture the interested party's details so I suggest offering a free item (could be a case study of your work, or a series of case studies in newsletter pdf format). The prospect registers on your website or answering service to receive the item.

    That will separate the sheep from the goats and give you some hot leads to follow up. The great advantage is you are not 'cold calling', which takes up so much time for so little result and doesn't really suit your business model.

    Those hot leads are valuable and you could probably rent the names out to other businesses if there are enough captured - which there will be if you have a good website and a free product to offer and run the process over a couple of years. It's what I do and I have a great list and some great clients who come back regularly (that is where the money is, right?).

    Costs are low because the website can be based on CMS Freeware such as Wordpress or Textpattern as it's just a simple landing page and info site.

    Good idea! Let me know how it goes..


  • Posted by sjohnp on Author
    Thanks guys for help regards to a new business mailing idea using a postcard. I take the point about generating solid leads rather than producing a mass mailing and see what sticks. Also found Karen's idea about hubspot and ubl very useful. Thank you Karen. Concept of a free item is great and now working on that idea. Thanks Peter

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