
Topic: Copywriting

Help Me Write A Speech

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

please help me write a speech, our theme is "to the next level, moving up and moving ahead"

we are into direct selling of apparels, shoes, accessories and we have wide dealership nationwide. We are sales based company and i want to share that we are on the next level of doing great things and earning opportunities for each individual.

our audience for the event would be the successful direct sellers and awardees, who strived to be the best in sales.

please help me write speech.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Speeches require a lot of knowledge of your target market, your timeframe, your speaking style, your company culture, goals, etc. It's not something you want generic suggestions for, especially if its for motivating people. You'd definitely want to hire someone to help you craft the right words for this occasion. And don't be surprised if good wordsmiths charge more than you think they should - it's a well-honed craft.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    This is clearly a "real" project, not something we can skim over. You can post a project in the "Hire an Expert" section of this website, or you can look through the profiles of the top experts and see if there's something in one of them that grabs you.

    As Jay noted, writing a motivational speech requires an in-depth understanding of the target audience, your company objectives and history, etc. It's not something you can expect anyone to do without realistic compensation.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I have a great friend who has helped a number of politicians, business and civic leaders with their speaches.

    Contact me via my profile and I will connect you.
  • Posted on Author
    by the way, thank you all for the responses.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Honeybunch - I have always found it helps when making a speech to start of with an example, or examples of how you have helped one of your dealers move up to the next level.

    Everyone is fascinated by how others are doing. And while they watch and listen, some of them may be thinking - 'But that won't work for me'.

    So the next step is to draw general lessons from your example - how, whatever they are doing, they can do better with new products in their range, how to assess the market in order to grow, how to increase profits and reduce costs. If you have the opportunity to show some slides, illustrations go down really well.

    Most dealers have similar problems and opportunities and need you to address those. Otherwise you won't achieve much! So you can identify some of those and then say: "Here is how we can help!"

    You'll find your speech almost writes itself.

    Best wishes


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