
Topic: Advertising/PR

Live Vs. Archived Webinar - Which Does Better

Posted by tech_marketer on 250 Points
Anybody have data on whether live vs archived webinars do better. I know this question was asked and answered here:

And I know the argument goes that since you're gonna do it live, why not record it and advertise it later, but my question relates to a decision I have to make:

Which to spend more money on online advertising to promote aggressively? Will people more likely click-through and register for a live or on-demand webinar?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I've delivered webinars that did very well live, then went into remission, then attracted as many people from the archive as the original session. It was a function of the promotion in each case. And there's nothing to say you can't promote both the live version and availability in the archive.

    If you're going to promote the archived version, though, make it a focused event, not just "Hey, look at what we have in the archive." Sell the benefit and the use testimonials from the live version, and your target audience will respond.

    And, FWIW, a seminar's success is a function of the title/topic and the promotion more than anything else.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Live is only valuable if: 1) you need the information ASAP, 2) you can ask the presenter your pressing problem, and 3) there won't be a recording or it'll be delayed substantially. Recorded is valuable since you get the content, but the freedom to listen when it's convenient for your schedule.
  • Posted on Member


    you can found online webinar data at


    you can read more about it in our latest ezine article
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Wow, too bad you closed this question. I'm not sure you actually got an answer!

    People perceive LIVE to be of more value than recorded. So if you're going to ask people to PAY to participate, your advertising should focus on the live event. In the fine print, you can say that a recording will be available for on-demand viewing later.

    That said, RECORDED webinars get a lot more viewers! I don't have official stats to cite, but I know from my days as Webinar Diva for MarketingProfs, a typical broadcast would get replayed 2-3 times the number of live attendees. If the speaker/topic were really fabulous, the replays were even higher.

    So, my advice is that if you're going to advertise a FREE webinar that you're offering to generate leads, then focus on making it ON DEMAND. Then you can create a kick-ass presentation without worrying about the inevitable snafus that come up during a live broadcast.

    Hope that helps!

    Killer Webinars

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