
Topic: Copywriting

Copy Needed For Design Services

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are a graphic design/web company. We are putting out an eblast to wineries in the hopes of getting their design business. We have 5 services that we would require a few nicely written lines about. 1. Wine Labels 2. Identity (logo) 3. brochures & collateral 4. Advertising 5. Websites.
We aren't looking for anything over the top as we are pressed for space. Just something to see how out services would relate to the winery. thanks in advance
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  • Posted by therightwebtools on Accepted

    Survey wineries, wine enthusiasts and find out what's important to them... find out what the market looks like and the opportunity(s) available.

    The survey can have questions geared towards uncovering issues wineries may have with agencies or other designers... then help solve the issue.

    Point is... you gotta ask the target audience what they want... you may find out - the vineyard is not who you need to be marketing to... maybe it's ad / pr agencies who represent the vineyard or winery.

    Do some due diligence along the lines of market research before marketing to them.

    Hope that helps... if you need me to elaborate please let me know.

  • Posted by therightwebtools on Accepted
    Also.. if you're doing an eblast... where are you sending them... what's the call to action - and most importantly what's in it for them?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Derek,

    I answered a question very similar to yours just yesterday.
    You'll find my answer to that question here:

    As for your request for copy, are you asking writers to give you
    their fees for the job in question? Or are you asking for people for work for free?

    Either way, without knowing more about you, your company, or the kind of work you do, writing the copy you're asking for is a
    bit of a crap shoot.

    If you're asking for copy free of charge, you might want to ponder being asked to design a few wine labels, a few logos, a brochure or two, a couple of ads, and three or four webpages.

    This isn't meant to sound snide, it's meant to help you see that writing copy actually has greater value than that of design work:
    I can say this because I'm both a designer AND a copywriter.

    Recently, I chatted with a real estate investor who had paid a copywriter $12,000 to write 500 words of copy for a double sided 6" x 4" postcard. Although that sounds like a lot of money for copy for a postcard ($24 per word), it's not: the copy in question generated $20 million in sales ($40,000 per word).

    Not bad in terms of ROI. But here's the thing:

    These figures came about because the real estate investor and the copywriter had mutual understanding about each other's goals, needs, and desired outcomes, AND because they BOTH understood the things that would drive people to spend the kind of money to drive those kinds of sales figures (so much for the economy being in tatters!).

    My point here is that you need to KNOW, (don't think, and don't think you know—you've got to KNOW) what your potential wine clients WANT in terms of the services you're offering. And you've got to know this BEFORE you write your copy and before your think about writing copy. Only then can you be SURE you're aligning whatever it is you're offering with the things your prospective clients are looking for.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    The Direct Response Marketing Guy™
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    One of my colleagues, Carey Giudici (who works out of both Houston and San Francisco) is the reigning king of the email blast. His wording is perfected for the age of the text message, twitter tweat and all the super distilled communications we have grown acustom to .

    Contact me off line and I will put you in touch with him.

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