
Topic: Copywriting

Marketing Department Mission & Vision

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hi friends!

Nice to be back. I need ur help guys. I am doing my departments mission and vision. Please help.
My company is a multilevel marketing of consumer goods. My department is concerned about promotion, branding, co marketing and all aspects of marketing like creatives. Please help me make mission and vision.

Thanks for ur help
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Start by defining the vision in your own mind. We can't do that for you. What will your world be like in 5 or 10 years if things go the way you want them to?

    A useful exercise would be to write the article you'd like to see about your department in a trade or business journal 7 years from now. What would the headline say? What information would be in the first paragraph? Would there be a picture? If so, what would it show? What would the caption say?

    We call this a "Future Business History." Make the article as detailed as you can. Cite quotes from the relevant target audiences. Give as many anecdotes as you need to illustrate the key elements of the article.

    This will lead you very directly to your vision statement, which will lead in turn to your mission statement. You can do them at the same time, but I usually find it easier to start with the vision.

    If this is critically important, you might want to get a facilitator to help you through the process. It's not an easy task ... a little like psychoanalysis ... and it's a lot easier if you have guidance from someone who has done it several times before.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Honeybunch - sounds like an internal departmental mission, is that right?

    If so, the marketing department is the heart of any business because the marketers decide how to address the audience, how much to charge, what the advertising looks like - the whole approach.

    The message should therefore be centered on that: 'Spearhead to profit' for example, 'Leadership to marketing success'.

    Few people understand the current changes in the role of marketing today, mostly brought about by the Internet. It will be the marketers who decide which way to go, leading the company through the marketing maze.

    Hope there is something there you can use,

    Good luck,

  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    it is a multi level marketing organisation !! There is only one vision :))

    Make money :))


    Don't waste time on superfluous stuff like branding nad strategy :)

    Just get out and sell the hell out of it whilst the going is still good.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Could you tell us something about your company – what products do they sell and what is the sales model?

    Is it Multi-Level Marketing as in MLM where the aim is to recruit resellers who in turn recruit further resellers who I turn recruit more resellers?

    Is the income the resellers hope to earn a viable one by selling your products to end users and getting repeat sales or is it dependent on finding another 5 or 10 resellers who will in turn do the same?

    Are there definable down-lines and up-lines or are there just a few tiers where sales effort is rewarded with not only a commission but an opportunity to rise in the structure with a goal to become a manager who is in charge of their own tier?

    Once you have done that I can tell you some specific answers to your question, rather than giving you stabs in the dark!

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker
  • Posted on Author
    Yes steve it's an MLM. where you recruit and recruit and sell and sell to get incentives. we are into cosmetics and fashion clothes.

    we have 2 ways to earn. the answer to your question is yes to both. they can earn if they recruit only, and they can earn if they sell only and do not recruit. as long as they reach the amount in order for the position to go higher step.
    "Is the income the resellers hope to earn a viable one by selling your products to end users and getting repeat sales or is it dependent on finding another 5 or 10 resellers who will in turn do the same?"

    yes there are up lines and downlines also.

    thanks for the response.

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