
Topic: Copywriting

Need A Visual For Coffee/donut Shop Tv Ad

Posted by ochien on 125 Points
I am working on a :15 second TV commercial for a local Coffee/Donut shop. I would like to use the sound effect of a car starting or revving up around the concept "Coffee store name helps you start your day". or "Rev up your morning"

I am trying to come up with a 10 second visual that would be simple and attention getting.

Any ideas would be welcomed and appreciated!

Thanks in advance,
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Why not a visual of the product? Or of people perking up as they consume the product?

    But define "product" well. Is the product the coffee/donuts? or the experience of getting them at the shop? Or something else? Make sure this is decided.
  • Posted by ochien on Author
    The product is the coffee/donut shop. Need a top of mind approach.
  • Posted by marketbase on Member
    Like Phil''s image of the NASA count down but would suggest adding something about needing a ''pick-me-up'' any time of day...

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    If the product is the shop itself, then showcase the people at the shop - the friendly interactions, the smiles, etc.
  • Posted by ochien on Author
    The commercial is only 15 seconds so I want to use a very simple concept to demonstrate a ''rev up'' or ''kick start''...the location is not attractive to shoot in. Thanks. The NASA approach would not resonate with viewers as it is a Canadian company.
  • Posted by mvaede on Member
    maybe a coffee machine rocketing off count down or the same coffee machine going Wrrroomm, eagerly wanting the first cup to be poured... can see the cups lining up, ready to go
    The coffee machine could either be a bigger one used in your Donuts shop or a household one, should you want to convey the coziness of family run business.....

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted by jmarshall on Member
    Who is the market for this coffee shop? The car sounds and rocket visuals are very masculine/aggressive images. Granted, it would stand apart from the Tim Horton's ads that seem to resonate with us Canadians but it makes me think that that is going to be some kick ass, strong coffee. That morning coffee kick start means different things to different people. For me it is the difference between the kids in the back seat getting on my last nerve and the point where I start to cope with the morning. It may be a kick start, but it is a much more positive, "ahh" moment. If the coffee shop is doing a lot of business in tall cups of strong, black stuff, maybe the more aggressive visuals will resonate. If it's serving up that weak stuff Tim's thrives on to mini vans of mom's that may be too male of a visual. If it is in the middle of a business zone maybe a work day tie in would be appropriate. If it is full of truck drivers, maybe not. Without an idea of who, the what could be a big mistake!
  • Posted by ochien on Author
    jmarshall you made some great points. This coffee/donut chain is targetting the same demo as Tim''s so therefore the aggressive aproach may not be appropriate. Maybe I show the recognizable cup of steaming coffee on its own in a variety of settings. "Gets you going through your day'' That kind of idea?

    Though I really like PCC''s idea a lot.
  • Posted by ochien on Author
    Thanks Lori. That''s a good idea but it is a low budget commercial which is why I was thinking about animation or table top shots. Thanks.
    Although I really like your line and idea of starting your day off right...hmmmmm....How about streeters asking people how they start their day off right? Construction people, office workers etc?
  • Posted on Member
    I kept getting a picture of cartoon (or real) people morphing from pajama-clad, droopy-eyed, slow moving folks into dressed-for-work, alert, and perky people as they take a sip or (if cartoon) walk behind a large cup of coffee. You could also add in a couple of students, joggers, construction workers, etc.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    :15 second TV commercial and low budget ...

    video of bikini girl jumping on trampoline with big coffee mug in her hand with your voiceover copy “get a jump on your day with .... “
  • Posted by BizConsult on Member
    Envision a cup of coffee being poured in low/pre-dawn light: As it's poured, the screen starts to brighten with a glowing sunrise. The sun peeks out over the back of the cup - fully brightening and rising (maybe with a smile on its face!).

    That might say ‘starting your morning / pick me up’ more subtly, but just as effectively, as rockets and motors, but with a wider appeal.

    If you're wed to the revving engine sound effect – maybe have the motor being starting at the beginning. Combine the sunrise start with the engine turning over and then have the sunrise accelerating with the engine being revved up.

    OK that’s my creativity for the day – back to marketing analytics and strategy!

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