
Topic: Copywriting

Names For Our Discount Packages.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are setting up our new online reservations and payment system for our dog daycare and boarding and need names for our discount packages.
Clients buy the package in advance and can use their credit towards boarding, daycare or training.
There are 3 packages, 20% off, which is $500 worth of services for $400, 15% off which is $250 worth for for $212 and 10% which is $150 worth for $135.
The guy who designed the software said most people put the discount amount in the name. So I was thinking maybe "Save 20%" and so on. But that is kind of generic but maybe that's good.
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    I think showing the discount amount is good. People love a bargain, if even perceived. Let them know exactly what the rate of price reduction is, and they will choose accordingly, simply because so few like paying "full price."
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Why not use the amount (Save 20%) or whatever, but also attache the name of a breed of dog to each package?

    The bigger the discount, the bigger the dog! Then you could use the headline "Run with the bigger dogs and save even more!"

    How about using Chiuaua as the smallest, German Shepherd as the biggest, and something in between for the middle package? Labrador? Dunno.

    You can then bring images of dogs into each package and use variations to use with additional discounts linked to themes throughout the year (such as holidays).

    I hope this helps.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks, Gail. I'm glad to hear that the amount of the discount in the name is beneficial. I know I love a bargain and love to see it spelled out, but I'm not a marketing expert.
    Cute idea, I will run that by my husband to see how he feels about it. Since "our" breed is the German Shepherd, it's funny you picked that one for the big package :).
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Gary took the words out of my mouth. I'd use the breeds to enhance your message. My thought for tagline, You Don't Need to Have a Big Dog to Get Big Dog Savings
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    In regards to the general name for these, you could just call them "promotions" or "discount packages" or "special offers". Once you get to the specifics of each package or offer, of course you would list the value to the client. But the name of each individual package doesn't necessarily need to include the word discount or the value.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks all for the input. Desktop crashed so I am on my iPhone. Love the big dog savings idea.

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