
Topic: Copywriting

Promotional Brochure

Posted by rodwell on 250 Points
We are a newly formed Corporate Services company offering Corporate Event Management (Corporate golf days,launches,conferencing,exhibitions,) , Brand Promotion and Corporate Re-Engineering (transforming corporates to manage change and incorporate new technologies and modern methodologies.)

We are about to produce our promotional brochure and require help in describing the services we offer in a catchy way under the three above named categories. Space limited to 800 words for each category.
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Your promotional brochure will be far more 'catchy' if you work out why your customers would choose you in the first place - instead of any of the many others who occupy your niche. What is the one thing that worries your clients that makes them look for your services? Because people don't think "I need someone to manage my modern methodologies" - they think "why is everything costing me so much, should I outsource to India?".

    Putting these things together will almost make your brochure write itself. Plus of course, your expertise will shine through all of it.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I am with Moriarty - saying from people who don't know your business, which while maybe catchy, are generic, won't get you business. You need to be able to tell your customers how you understand the pain they have, and know how to cost effectively solve the pain for them. This requires specific knowledge of your industry, your specific company and what it provides, and the customers.

    I'd suggest going through and coming up with what you can, and then coming back here with that info and have us suggest wording improvements.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Instead of bullet points, tell stories about your offerings - and how you've "saved the day". If you don't yet have any stories, create stories about how you could help save the day.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    You may want to consider hiring a professional copywriter. Your three businesses don't logically fit under the same umbrella, so trying to "explain" the relationship is going to be tricky, at best. And if you can't/don't explain it you will confuse everyone.

    It sounds like three separate businesses, each with a different target audience and different benefit. Why just one brochure? Why a single company?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Don't do "catchy". It is death.

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