
Topic: Copywriting

Catchy Headline For Software Quality Brochure

Posted by Emma on 250 Points
I have design a brochure for my company that has information about us and our services.

The company is dedicated to quality assurance and software testing.

In the brochure, the services are just mentioned, not explained. The information is quite generic, is for sharing with people that doesn't know us yet. It is aimed to software development companies.

What I need is a catchy headline for the front page. Something that makes the person want to open the brochure and read about us and what services we offer.
There is also space to add a line with a smaller size to complement the headline idea.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Please share with us why someone would be interested in what you're offering. Who specifically would care? Why would they choose to work with you? What do you offer that others don't/can't? And how are you planning to give these brochures out?
  • Posted by Emma on Author
    Q: Who would care?
    A: Software Development companies.
    Q: Why would they be interested in our services?
    A: Because all software have bugs and we're dedicated to find them and help achieving software quality.
    Q: Why would they choose to work with us?
    A: Because we don't only have QA & Software Testing knowledge, we also have domain/business knowledge and we are passionate about what we do.
    Q: how are you planning to give these brochures out?
    A: In IT networking meetings or in meetings with people from software development companies.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member

    You could try using ... "We are committed to improving quality by providing superior QA solutions to customers and partners."

    But there is a problem. This sentence was lifted from the QualiTest Group website. And they claim to be the number two provider in the marketplace. There are hundreds of direct competitors from every continent, and every world region that can claim the same features/benefit that you have listed. You did mention "domain/business knowledge" as a possible differentiator, but have you verified that with research? Is it something really critical enough to your customers to make it central to your marketing strategy? If yes, then problem solved. If no, then you need a written core marketing strategy to guide the brochure project and all marketing projects. Hope this helps.

    source: QualiTest Group's website
  • Posted by Emma on Author
    I was thinking of something with no more than 8 words, something simple that tells the person "find out about us and our services". It is a 3 fold brochure and all the text is ready, we just need something for the cover page.
    The cover page has our logo and a picture of 3 professionals with a laptop. I thought about something like "A team that truly cares about software quality." or "We truly care about your software's quality." but I don't think it invites the person to read more. I also thought about "Are you ready to put your software to trial?"

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    So the idea of using a strategy is just too much after the fact? It's all but finished now. Some feedback on your suggestions ..

    1) "A team that truly cares about software quality."

    2) "We truly care about your software's quality."

    The operative word in both of these headlines is "truly". You don't just care, you "truly" care. This is not much of a statement, not likely to matter to your audience.

    3) "Are you ready to put your software to trial?"

    The third option has a mental action, going "to trial". But I doubt that your finished graphics support an "on trial" theme. You have "the cart before the horse". Better to write your headline first, then create the supporting copy and design elements.

    This brochure sounds so completely generic, you could just write a safe generic headline and it wouldn't make any difference to your audience.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member

    let's start with the basics. You say "A team that truly cares about software quality." Which is fair enough when all is said and done.

    Only there's a problem. Anybody can say they care, truly care - really care! They care so much and you believe them so much ... and by the time you've discovered they don't care, they're over the Stateline.

    What's more, they've got your money and your software's trashed.

    **************And there's nothing you can do about it.

    So even if you had a photograph of a hundred people with a hundred laptops it wouldn't change this basic issue: how are you going to get people to trust you?

    It is the core issue, and it's one that'll hurt as well. Because when you're selling to everyone you don't have to invest very much, do you? You aren't actually doing much, you're just hoping. And hope isn't something you have to do very much about. It's a great one for the directors, as it's everyone else who has to deal with the fallout.

    Issue 2: "Are you ready to put your software to trial?" - if they're even thinking about putting their software to trial, you've missed the boat. If they were going to hire you they'd have thought of you a long time before - and hiring you at this point would be in a measure of panic. Not the best of clients.

    In other words - and this goes to the core of good copywriting, by the way - you need to understand your customers' needs before you even put your pen to paper to scratch a few doodles.

    Now Steve's more up to date on the specifics in this case by mentioning the QualiTest Group. However he doesn't give you any pointers save to mention that you write something about strategy. Your problem is that you need something to write about. Okay, this is being a little unfair on Steve because he didn't have much to go on at that point - however the basics were still there.

    So let's get nasty. Because if you are going into business in this area, anything else than being truly nasty isn't going to cut much ice. Of course you could just get clever instead. Either way, it's going to take some serious decision making from your end: you need something to differentiate yourselves from the rest of the crowd.

    Dare to be different!

    So find out what you can do that nobody else is. Do a SWOT test ( and work out from there. Work out the ONE THING that you guys can do/offer/guarantee that nobody else is (or speaks about).

    What's more, a lot of the questions about strategies will fall into place as if by magic. And your copy will practically write itself. Using this will make your headlines a little more than "catchy". It'll make them riveting for those who need what you do.

    Do that, get the results in - and then ask for a raise.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    We Love Finding Bugs!
    Stop Shipping Buggy Software!

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