
Topic: Copywriting

Using A Customers Name In Your Brochure

Posted by oshazoom on 250 Points
Originally I wanted to show a logo of all of my clients and update this quarterly. In fear of copyright issues I have listed them in plain text across the bottom of my brochure. Above their name it states "Here are some of the Great Companies we have Proudly Served"

Is listing the customer in plain text a copyright infringement? do we need their permission?
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    I am not a copyright lawyer and what follows is not legal advice.

    I always seek permission (in writing) to use client names and logos. Without someone's express permission it's probably better to omit client details. This is not an issue of copyright as such, simply one of professional etiquette.
  • Posted by amangupta on Accepted
    Using Client Names and Logos depends on the agreement between your company and them. Some companies have a confidentiality agreement which expires after a set period, after which you are free to disclose their name/logo on your website and other marketing collateral.

    However, if if it isn't a confidentiality agreement, taking the permission is always the right way to go about it. It shows your professionalism, to your client and saves you the headache of legal problems, should any client object to it in the future. Best way for that is to ask your direct contact with that company for such permissions. Many clients don't object to it as a business etiquette but some do, and for those few, you would feel lucky to have avoided a potential legal problem by asking for their permission first.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    As noted above, it is not a question of "legal or not." It's a question of professionalism. You don't want a client (or former client) to wince when they see their name on your marketing material. Ask permission to use it first, and only use it when they've agreed.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I agree that the names should not be listed in any format without permission from the client.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    there are of course downsides to using customer names in brochures and other marketing pieces. One problem: you make this strategically important information easily available to your competitors. If these customers represent a source of ongoing business and revenue, you are putting that revenue stream at risk by helping your competitors target and sell your key accounts.

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