
Topic: Copywriting

Site Redesign Or Just New Copy

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are looking to triple our sales this year. We got nearly all our customers from the search engines but our rankings are not that great. Do you hire a professional copywrighter? Do you hire someone to do a site redesign? Can someone really be skilled at both? How do we know who we hire has the skills to do it?
TIA for your help.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Correct me if I am wrong but what you want to do is:

    1) Increase ranking in the search engines

    2) Redesign your website if it helps do this, otherwise you are happy with your website, right?

    Getting high listing in the major search engines is not so much a function of site design i.e. using metatags etc. as it used to be.

    Google changed this whole thing with Page Ranking.

    Now, Search Engine Optimization has become a specialized field and their are some people/companies who do it very well.

    You can go here:

    Which is the SEO Consultants Directory - Search Engine Marketing Companies

    As a step in learning more/finding a specialist.

    There are many more sites:

    is always a good one, full of information

    It may be that your website is fine, you need no redesign. A specialist can tell you what you need to do because they know what the major search engines have in place this day/week/month.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Offline > Online

    Make sure EVERYTHING you do in the offline world refers to your URL. In other words, make sure every piece of collateral, promotion, advertising or PR refers people back to your on-line presence. Sounds obvious, amazing how few people actually do it. You can even do it in radio advertising.

    Hunt through all you collateral now and see how many opportunities have been missed... Put the URL requirement into your marketing brief templates so its inclusion becomes automatic, not something anyone has to "remember".

    Recruit others to help - get as many high-profile partners as you can to provide a link to your URL to get cross-referrals for increased business (Plus - this is supposed to elevate your Search Engine rankings). Offer two-way referral to non-competing websites.

    Hope this helps!

    Good Luck!

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