
Topic: Copywriting

Pls Help Price An Edit/rewrite/track Mode Project

Posted by Corpcommer on 250 Points
May I pls. have suggestions from consultants experienced in copyediting and rewriting business documents written by non-native English speakers. How to determine a price for the project is baffling.

A Manhattan-based rep wants an estimate to copyedit and/or rewrite as needed an internal business newsletter
that's in MSWord. It's written by a non-native English speaker based overseas.

Once read and edited, I'd enter my corrections and revisions on the MSWord doc. in tracking mode. (I type faster than many but tracking is a more time consuming procedure.)

The color newsletter will be distributed to a U.S. professional audience, printed on 9" x 12" stock, be 10-12 pages. It's mostly small-sized text (body text is font size 10) and has few graphics.

The rep says the writer doesn't have a particular budget in mind but needs help with this issue. (There's a possibility for future work if the client doesn't find someone in his company to handle.)

The rep sent me the last issue printed, but of course, it doesn't show how much effort its editor had to do to get the content to its present shape. I'm thinking it might take 30 minutes per page (is that overly optimistic?)

Various sources I've checked show quite a range in the hourly rate for copywriting ($50 - $100). I'd like to offer the rep price options and calculated some estimates:

1. $90 hourly rate / 12-page estimate $540 for 6 hours

2. a per-page rate, possibly $40 or $45 per page

3 a flat fee of $500 or $520

Any comments/guidelines you can give me would be appreciated. Thank you.
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  • Posted by Corpcommer on Author
    Frances and pkemper,

    Thank you for your views. You've both offered helpful information and I appreciate your time.
  • Posted on Accepted

    I have alot of experience with this, and normally I charge per word (anywhere from 4 cents to 6 cents per word, which works out roughly to what you are thinking of charging). I find that it's much easier, it's a more precise measurement in the eyes of the client (clients tend to always think their particular document will take less hours than the editor says it will).

    Most non-native English speakers will literally translate from their language into English. In Italy, this actually has a name: Macaroni English. Therefore, you will find that you're doing a "translation" more than proofing and editing at times, and it can take a long time.

    When people ask me for a quote, I always give a rough example of past work and what it cost my client -- until I see the actual document I will be editing.

    Best of luck to you. If you need anything else, you can contact me offline.

  • Posted by Corpcommer on Author

    Thank your helpful suggestions and your time.

    Frances,pkemper and Ricky:

    I've decided to offer an hourly rate and per page rate (up to 500 words per page). For an initial estimate, I like the idea of alluding to past work to give some kind of example.

    Thanks to all.

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