
Topic: Copywriting

Has A Study Shone 80% Buy With Their Emotions?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Emotional Selling experts claim that "studies show 80% of people buy with their emotions." Does anyone know of this study or where to get it?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi envisionconsulting,
    I think you can use the search engine and type in what you are looking for and see what comes up. You can also conduct your own study using question Pro

    Good Luck,
    Web URL deleted by staff
  • Posted by chough on Accepted
    Peter, Surely the question is valid? When you see a lot of figures bandied around without any reference to specific research, you have got to question the validity of the figures! Personally I'm sure that the emotional impact of a message is much more important than the rational/logical, but I too would like to see the specific studies that PROVE this, and break it down into more useful information. Then you can decide on what you are going to do about it.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    I poked around the Web, and all I can find are some references to the "Emotional Selling Proposition" as a popular concept in the 1980s. I didn't see any statistics.

    But as I've said before... 61% of all statistics are made up. Or was it 82%?

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