
Topic: Copywriting

Protect Myself, My Name, My Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi Everyone-
So far the Pros here have helped me name my business, focus on a niche, come up with a tagline and choose my company colors. (Pretty soon I'll have you doing my job for me!)

Now, I'm in the process of ordering signs for my vehicle (yet another suggestion I received here) and I want to make certaiin I protect myself.

What do I need to do to:
1.) Make sure my business name isn't already being used-and protect it once that's confirmed.
2.)Make sure my tagline isn't already being used, and protect it as well.

I'm aiming to do everything right, from the ground floor, so I call on the experts once again.

Where do I start?
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
  • Posted on Member
    Do a search on Google scholar - I look everything up there now that I have found the beta version!

    And don't forget to register your name & tagline as a trademark.

    We often find South African's duplicating ideas and so it's worth the initial costs to hire the legal practitioner/s in your area of expertise and cover yourself and ideas that way.

    Hope this helps - remember if it's so unique it's worth protecting.

    South African Bookworm
  • Posted by cread on Accepted

    I am an accountant who advises small business as well as owning several companies.

    The safest and most tax effective method of doing business on the Federal level for a small business is as an S-Corp. You can buy a book called “How to form a Maryland Corporation”. I don’t advise small business to try to use Delaware of Nevada as they end up paying double fees without much benefit.

    You incorporate in Maryland, which protects your name in Maryland. You can copyright it for next to nothing with the Feds. The costs of intellectual property attorneys are ridiculous unless you really have something incredibly unique. Many of our clients use a corporate name and then file with the county and state for a DBA (Doing Business As). This gives them the flexibility they might not otherwise have. After you incorporate in Maryland file for an S status with the IRS. The book will explain all of this and feel free to drop me any questions.

    The corporate structure gives you liability protection and substantial tax savings. You may want to wait until you have a client to spend the filing fees. You can transfer any copyrights or Trademarks to the corporation and not lose coverage.

    First use of a phrase or name is in itself good protection against someone stealing it. But a formal copyright is better. I was working for Autry Industries and we had a logo with a circle and an arrow through it. Similar to my Boss’s cousin Gene Autry had for the California Angels. Their lawyers sent us a nasty cease and desist letter. We sent them a copy of the trademark and they never wrote us again. Trademarks are not as cheap as Copyrights.

    I had copyrighted the phrase “Synchro-Clip” for a swimming nose clip for synchronized swimmers. I filed it myself and the fees were minimal. Later a competitor tried to force me to drop the use but sending a copy of the Federal copyright forced him to change his use of the name. The copyright is very easy to obtain check for FAQ and fees.

    Make sure if you get a copyright or trademark or service mark that you properly label it to protect it.

    Good Luck


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