
Topic: Copywriting

Reduction In Force Letter- Help!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need to write a letter to our customers explaining a RIF at one of our locations. It was an acquisition and we are now consolidating some warehousing fucntions. The spin is that we are
1, streamlining operations
2. ensuring the quality of our distribution centers through centralization
3. standardizing processes and procedures nationally so we do it the same in California as we do in Maine
I am blocking big time on weaving the story...
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  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Member

    I have found that when dealing with union repercussions or legal situations that a minimalist approach in communications is the best approach, in fact I would question the need for a letter in the first place.

    Maybe a very small blurb in the next billing statement insert or newsletter, but I would not bring much attention to it.

    Hope that helps ...

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