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Putting Why Before How: Seven Steps for Focusing Your Social Media Strategy

Jason Baer
Thu., Jul. 30, 2009, 12pm ET (9am PT)
90 minutes
This online marketing seminar received 5 star(s)

At present, social media lends itself to purely tactical thinking. "Get us on Facebook!" cries the CEO. "Why aren't we on Twitter?" asks the COO after reading about it in Time Magazine. It's difficult to achieve any core objectives when your social media efforts are being whipsawed by the Shiny Object Syndrome.

To develop a meaningful, engaging social media program for your company, you need a methodology. You need to know why you're active in social media, for whom you are active, and how success will be identified. This seminar will give you a framework for creating an ongoing social media strategy for your company, using a seven-step planning process.


Jason Baer is a forest-dwelling restaurant critic with a passion for Tequila and all things social media. As President of Convince & Convert, Jason consults with corporations and public relations firms, helping them harness the awesome power of social media strategy. He spreads his "think social media tools last, not first" message through numerous conference speaking gigs, his Convince & Convert blog, and social media training seminars. Jason spent 15 years running digital marketing agencies, and has consulted for more than 700 companies - and 25 of the Fortune 1000. He's @jaybaer on Twitter.

Who Should Attend?

Product marketing, marketing communication, and marketing strategy professionals who are seeking best practices for using Web 2.0 in their marketing plans.

What Will You Learn?

  • How to determine for whom your social media efforts are directed
  • The most important aspect of any social media effort—"The One Thing"
  • How to use Forrester Research Social Technographics data and apply it to your program
  • Ideas for appropriate success metrics

Social Media Summer Series

This seminar is one of a series of eight NINE seminars focused on adding Social Media to your marketing mix. PRO members have access to the entire series!

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