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  • You can't get answers if you don't ask questions. And if you don't get answers, you can't make informed decisions. Ask these nine questions, and you'll be on your way to owning your content-job interview.

  • Blogging is an important part of digital marketing. Yet, many choose not to blog because they think they don't have the necessary writing skills. These tips will go a long way toward helping you write engaging content.

  • More than 90% of journalists go online to find story ideas, with 73% specifically researching press releases. With Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and free automatic email alerts from Google News so readily available, it makes sense that the Web is a prime source of consistently updated information for busy journalists. So how can your organization capitalize on these trends?

  • The Web is chock-full of boring copy. But your website doesn't need to hang out with that crowd. Creating copy that connects with your audience is easier than you think; however, vague advice like "talk benefits" and "use your own voice" won't cut it.

  • Writing landing page copy that converts like crazy isn't as simple as running through a checklist of best-practices. But it is as simple as following these three super-powerful pointers.

  • Success stories (case studies) are a crucial part of the marketing process, especially when complex business issues and solutions are involved. These tips will help you write successful success stories.

  • If you had to choose one digital branding profile to work on, focus on your LinkedIn profile. Why? Because, in business, it's often the first place people go when they want to check you out.

  • Case studies are often dry, generic, or pretty much just a high school pep rally (minus the cool letterman jackets) cheering on the company. But they don't have to be.

  • All the great email content in the world isn't going to do your brand a bit of good if no one opens your emails. Which is why you need attention-grabbing headlines.

  • To get the quality of your content to where you need it to be, you need a road map—or, better yet, a writing GPS of sorts that gets you from discombobulated thoughts to coherent, useful content that engages audiences.

  • The key to authoring good written content is to use language that doesn't detract from your message. That's where readability scores can help.

  • Sometimes you struggle to get your firm's executives to recognize the power of good writing. You edit their text, but they put the jargon and longwinded language back in. But you can win over your subject-matter experts.

  • "People who think well, write well," said David Ogilvy. Good writing is the clearest indicator of good thinking. You also need love and commitment.

  • Whether you're a marketing newbie or a seasoned pro, Marketing Writing Bootcamp's 13 sessions will help you level up your marketing writing… fast!

  • If you're a marketer, you're also a writer. Embrace it! Improve the skills you already have so you can tackle new, more challenging projects with confidence. We've got the perfect toolkit to help you create marketing writing success.

  • Writing isn't supposed to be easy. But that doesn't mean it has to be painful. Here are a few things I do to power through. Call it a list of struggling-writer affirmations.

  • When it's time to outsource copywriting or content writing to bolster your marketing, you need to be clear on one thing: Should you hire a copywriter or a content writer? We'll explain all the differences (and similarities!) so you can hire the writer that's right for your project.

  • Some 18 months after the introduction of the iPad, 11% of US adults now own a tablet computer of some kind, and among them 53% access news via tablet every day, reading long articles as well as browsing headlines, according to a new report by Pew Research.

  • Is well-written content more effective than poorly written content? Does it make consumers more likely to like brands, click on offers, and purchase products/services?

  • Are you planning to produce—or have you already begun producing—content in connection with the upcoming holiday season? Here is an abundance of insights to inform your approach to holiday-season content.