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  • As marketers, we have to be able to share relevant content at the right points throughout the customer journey, and we have to do it at scale. The martech we use to do that should serve not just us but also the people with whom we are trying to connect.

  • To capture leads via your content, you need to provide value and engage your audience. That's where interactive content comes in—from quizzes to contests and giveaways. Here are five excellent tools you can use to create interactive content and capture leads.

  • What's not to like? 24/7 customer service, greater capacity to handle inquiries, fewer operational expenses, improved customer satisfaction... but there are challenges, too. Check out this overview of the benefits and challenges of AI chatbots.

  • Constantly expanding customer touchpoints and cross-border commerce make the optimization of product listings and data difficult—but no longer optional. Product experience management can help you meet the needs of customers in today's marketplace.

  • With technology advancing at breakneck speed, AI can improve our workday—and our workplace productivity, in general. From simplifying procedures to evaluating information, Artificial Intelligence can provide indispensable assistance to marketers and their companies.

  • Selecting a new website content management system (CMS) is often a significant challenge and investment. Too often, when the time has come for migration, enterprises fail to keep SEO in mind. The ramifications of that can be significant.

  • Trade publications are inundated with references to, and hype for, artificial intelligence. Everywhere you look, AI is being touted as the answer--even to some questions we aren't asking. Marketing is not immune to this push for AI. Quite the opposite, actually. But is it warranted?

  • The CRM market seems saturated. But that's all about quantity. Quality is another story: Only 1 in 5 CRMs receive 4-5 star ratings. Those low satisfaction rates suggest startup CRMs can be an alternative. Especially since they have an inherent edge (several, in fact) over large CRMs.

  • A platform-heavy marketing tech stack—email solutions, social media tools, mobile marketing platforms, automation tools, and everything in between—creates a world of obstacles, including inevitable data disparities. Which will cost you.

  • The future of marketing is all about performance—lead quality and revenue contribution. So, very soon, marketers' best friend will be conversational AI. Bots. User interfaces that rely on artificial intelligence and machine-learning to engage users, deliver leads, and increase conversions.

  • Allowing employees to work some or all of the time outside your offices offers tangible business benefits, but also challenges related to communication, collaboration, and management. These lesser-known tools can help you mitigate the challenges and reap the benefits of remote teams.

  • Today's enterprises must effectively and efficiently deliver, manage, measure, and archive content. Robust content management capability is critical. But there are myriad systems on the market. How does one choose the right set of tools, and what needs to be considered in the process?

  • If you're a CMO, or plan to be one someday, and you're in job-acquisition or job-preservation mode, you're probably contemplating the skills a high-level marketing professional will need to stay relevant, employable, and successful in the coming years. Here is what you need to know.

  • You can't carry on launching marketing campaigns, creating content, and paying your team just because you think marketing efforts are affecting your sales in some positive way. You need data that tells you what's working and what isn't. Marketing analytics tools to the rescue.

  • Big Data is taking over. Most of its seemingly obvious payoffs are mirages at best, or quicksand at worst, whereas others hold the potential for high returns. So, what are the keys to Big Data success?

  • Shopper behavior is fundamentally different during the holidays. Marketers can't rely on the same data and algorithms that they leverage at other times of the year. If brands don't adjust to holiday shopping behavior, it could cost them big.

  • New digital experiences continue to disrupt customer journeys, leading marketers to rethink the traditional funnel. A new customer journey has taken shape, creating more meaningful touchpoints and potentially leading to increased revenue.

  • These days, e-commerce businesses have more marketing options at their fingertips than ever before. It can be easy to choose the wrong ones. As a result, many e-commerce companies are losing out on some seriously lucrative revenue streams.

  • Joe Lazauskas, head of marketing at Contently, shares advice on using storytelling for content marketing and successfully managing digital transformation. He also discusses the resurgence of interest in customer experience.

  • Building, editing, and sharing a compelling presentation isn't an easy task; it's not particularly cheap, either—because they're often one and done... But there's a way to develop engaging presentation assets that can be used over and over again.