
Topic: E-Marketing

Timing In Email Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
¿How to meassure the best timing for email marketing?
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Krolina,

    This is a much researched and often debated question.

    Here is a link to a study recently done:

    Basically, what it says is that email volume peaks every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons between 9AM and 3PM, followed by Thursday, same time. So does this mean these are the best times or the worst times?

    I guess the data speaks for itself, they are obviously considered to be the "best times" by popular consensus.

    However, I think - depending on the quality of your list, what your offer is, date sensitivity etc. - these "best times" can actually be the worst times.

    I always consider sending on the off-peak days and hours.

    Simple - less competition. Everybody hears that these are the best times, so that's when they send and it becomes rush hour traffic on the email marketing freeway.

    The result is the message gets lost or filed away to be "read later".

    Over 72-96 hours aggregate open rates always seem to be the seem regardless of when you send.

    An example is Michael Katz, a recognized expert in email marketing, always sends his personal e-newsletter on Friday mornings.

    Very simple solution: Do a split run; send 1/2 during rush hour and 1/2 during off-peak and measure your results over time.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    It depends on YOUR MARKET. General studies represent gerneral markets. It would be better to find out when is the best time for your own list.

    I would set up one image on your server, and include that image in your next e-mail marketing campaign. Use link tracking software (there is some good link tracking cgi scripts you can download for free) and encode that image so you can find out when and how many times that image is called. When you look at your e-mail campaign results, you'll have generated data for your customers, for you market.

    Another option is to find some e-mail marketing software that tracks your messages for you. 123 Broadcast and Oi both track messages for you.

    I have clients who have to balance thier marketing delivery needs with their clients best read times, so with a little trial and error and ten or so e-mail campaigns, you'll find what works best for you and your clients.

    Darcy (Customer Loyalty Network)

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