
Topic: Website Critique

Need Feedback On Ltc/disability Sites

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer. My company, Assist Guide (, is planning a major overhaul of content at two sites we designed, RealChoices ( and Louisiana Answers ( Both are state government portals for long-term care and disability information. I'm working specifically on the "Learn About" sections of each site, and would love your feedback on how we can improve both the content and user-friendliness on each.

Additionally, we'd love it if you've be willing to use these sites for in-class exercises with your students. As a former professor, I understand that you've already got your classes planned and may not be able to fit something else in, but if you could, and feel this might be valuable for your students, we'd be grateful. I've created a short survey that I'd be happy to provide to you to gather feedback.

Thank you for your consideration.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I liked the content. I found these far better laid out than those I typically look at.
    If I had anything to add it would be to review your selection of color.....
    here is an excellent article for review...
    If you would like to further discuss I can be reached through my website.
    Frank Hurtte

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