
Topic: Website Critique

Looking Website Critique

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi all,
I used to spend a lot of time here but lately have been developing a small business and I could use some feedback.

First: I'd like to get your opinons on my website. It is and probably always will be a work in progress. I'm not a programmer and basically taught myself how to do this because I had no money to pay a programer or web designer, so be kind.

If I could just get your initial impressions and we'll go from there. Thanks in advance. the site is:

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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Gary, your website is nearly perfect. I look at these all the time and yours looks as good as any I have seen.
    Here is a point to think about. I did a yahoo search for "toy box" there were 25 Million choices. I then searched for "yellow toy box", there were 3.9 Million choices.
    If a person finds you once, will they be able to find you again? Will they book mark you for later reference or will your first sale be your last sale to that individual.
    I would look for things to add that will bring them back multiple times.... maybe its an "opt in" email list of cool toy boxes.. maybe its a monthly kids picture contest (by the way... I liked yours)... maybe its a free drawing that a person has to see to win... all of these get the person to remember you and come back to your store/site.
    if you have any questions, i can be reached through my site.. frank hurtte
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hello Gary,

    Your site looks great!
    I have to agree with John that there was no Dinosaur Toys page is blank. If your still working on the site put in coming soon or under Constitution. Also maybe the way my computer is set up your link to E-Bay tells me it's unable to connect. ( I installed Firefox that was recommended by my server for best results to run my cms) but that's another issue.
    My 2 cents
  • Posted on Member
    Sorry Constitution should read construction.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone for the great feedback. I was expecting more, "your code is sloppy and it looks unprofessional type of stuff" to this was a pleasant suprise.

    Most mentioned the dinosaur page and I was redesigning it to match to look of the others so thats why it's not there.

    I'm working on the search thing. I was wondering if any of you had any comments on the tags , title, etc. I'm shooting blind in that area. There was an article on MP about submitting sites so I am reviewing that and trying to learn.

    Any additioal thoughts and comments would be appreciated. I'll also be posting more questions with some related initiatives. Thanks again.

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