
Topic: E-Marketing

Webanalytics You Use ..... Feedback.

Posted by Anonymous on 170 Points
We have been using Indextools and Google Analytics for our tracking of the site visitors and now started to look into ClickTracks.

I'd appreciate you sharing what web analytics tool you use and any feedback on it.

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Thank you.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Igor,

    Between all my customers there are probably a dozen different web stat programs that I work with but the ones I am using on my own website right now are Google Analytics and Traffic Facts from Go Daddy.

    You are familiar with GA, by comparison Traffic Facts is scaled back but is a great tool for measuring basic web stats especially for those who don't want to spend a lot. It is also very easy and user friendly which is appreciated by those who have no prior understanding of web stats or how important they are.

    You do need to have your site hosted by Go Daddy, but that is not a bad thing either.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hello Igor,

    Omniture is a great tool, and has report options on almost anything possible. One could spend weeks interrupting all the data though.

    Their "click map" analysis can not be beaten and gives your researchers a snapshot version on what is being clicked on and what is not.

    Their "page summary" and "fall out report" provide a lot of insight.

    Best of luck,

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Igor,

    I have worked for some time in QAI in delhi, india. They were using webtrends and i have seen the results. Its fantastic as it give drill down detail of the different users to different webpages - which help to segment customers, know the popular offerings.

    I have heard that WebTrends is the best. The other vendor is Livestats, i have done some research on The log analyzer is trusted by over 5,000 service providers. You can go for any of BIZ, NET and XSP, whichever suits you. I have also browsed its features and found it interesting and useful.

    Best of Luck
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    My clients use different ones, and each one fits what they want to get out of the package.

    The common ones are:

    Google Analytics - get around the big brother issue and its a nice package, good graphics, sometimes a little slow to load the tracking code, simple to use, free :-)

    Coremetrics - all singing all dancing, expensive, a pain to get working, but alround its a good package.

    Webalizer - again, its free, its not as fancy as google, but its a lightweight tool for analysing server logs.

    Good luck :-)
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Sandy reminded me about the Omniture ClickMap, it really is a brilliant tool if you are interested in how people click throught your site or you change offers on a regular basis.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member

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