
Topic: E-Marketing

Increase Opens/clicks For E-newsletter

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi ! I am working on an assignment to increase opens & click rates for e-newsletter which we send to our retail customers. While i am working on Mail list management & look & feel of the newsletter , what are the other things i can do? Please also recommend some websites where i can check out designs of winning e-Newsletters.
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  • Posted by Mark on Accepted
    This page answers the question for open rates and links to a dozen other articles at various websites which also help answer the question: (disclaimer: I wrote it)

    In terms of winning e-newsletter designs, I suggest you try MarketingSherpa's case study library:

    They have a lot of email marketing case studies, accompanied by screenshots of successful emails, before and after design changes etc.

    Also check their email awards page for creative samples from winning newsletters:

    Check ClickZ's Marketing Excellence Awards, too:

    Among the awards are screenshots for winners in B2C and B2B e-newsletter categories.
  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted

    Here is my advice, plan a lot of testing. Be methodical about your testing, do not make a bunch of changes in a single test that produces positive results, and then wonder which change created the lift.

    Don't think that once your initial design and approach is researched and implemented that you can ride that for a significant period.

    One area that you might want to consider testing initially is your subject line. Use the search feature on MarketingProfs and search for 'subject line' and you will find a lot of articles already created on this topic.

    Good Hunting,

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