
Topic: Customer Behavior

Interviewing Customers About Their Experience And Needs

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
My product is a web hosting platform sold primarily to the resellers. I am in the process of identifying top issues the customers face when using this product and also looking for the trends that can define additions to the product to make it more valuable. What is the most appropriate venue and questioning to get the information from the customers?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    I recommend You can customize a survey and either send your own email invites or have them do it. It's free and they provide results, reports etc. If you want more details, they charge a fee, but it's a good place to start.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    In addition to the above, I would suggest a survey following up each tech support call. Do people call in for support? If so, once each trouble ticket is closed, wait a week, give them a ring, and ask a few short questions about how you are doing.

    Use the opportunity to ask them which additional features they would find most benefitial. Most people appreciate the follow-up, and occasionally you will find that a technician thought the problem was closed, while the customer still felt it was open.

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