
Topic: E-Marketing

Us Affilate Marketing

Posted by Harry Hallman on 500 Points
Can anyone point me in the right direction to find the size of the USA Affiliate Marketing market? I have had a hard time locating this data. I found the UK figures, but not US.

Thanks in advance. Doing a presentation on various ways to generate revenue via web sites.

Harry Hallman
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  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Author
    Thank you Jeannine. This is good information. I appreciate the input.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    ValueClick claims it's between $400-$500 million. Here's the original article:
  • Posted by Corpcommer on Accepted
    Hi, Harry!

    You might want to check www.MarketingExperiments.Com, an online Lab that tests Internet marketing methods.

    A division of Digital Trust Inc., MarketingExperiments.Com is an online laboratory whose mission statement is: "To discover what really works." The Lab's website explains how they test every conceivable marketing method on the Internet by conducting experiments that range from 3 to 18 months.

    I'd appreciate learning what your research concludes if you have time to send me a brief e-mail. Thanks.

    Corpcommer / MC

  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Author
    Jay, thanks for that link. I had seen taht, but I had to discount it because it is only a guess and It looks to me their math is wrong. So I can not use that info, but the enteries were interesting and I thanks you.

    Corpcommer, this is a new one for me and I appreciate your pointing out this site. There is lots of great information on that site. I was not able to find the figures I wanted, but they have real ife cases which I found very interesting. Thank you.
  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Author
    Thank you all. I was finally able to find something about overall affliate commissions paid in the US. This is tahnks to the answers I received here and on Linkedin.

    THis is what I found based on reserach from marketingsherpa.

    "affiliate commission payouts in 2006 was $6.5 billion in the USA"

  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Author
    One last point. The reserach on affiliate commissions seems to vary wildly so I am not sure about the Marketingsherpa figure. IAB says that commissons was about $1.5 billion.

    As Jcrooks said it appears to be a difficult thing to measure. I am inclined to beleive it is closer to the IAB figure.

    Either way, it appears a thriving market.

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