
Topic: E-Marketing

When Offering $ Savings, Use A Decimal Or Not?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
When an offer involves dollars off, is it more effective to include a decimal point in the dollar amount? For example, if the discount is two hundred dollars off, should I write it as $200 off or $200.00 off? Does using the decimal make the amount appear greater or does it detract from the impact, especially in an email subject line where it's important to be clear and concise?
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    You have creative license to present the sale item however you feel will make the most impact. It really is in the typesetting - the way you kernel letters, pick font and position and size things.
  • Posted on Accepted
    As mentioned above, there is no set rule. But, in your case you definitely want to leave them out of the subject line.

    The change in your example adds no value to the point you are trying to get across. Using cpappas' example, the .99 is generally used to reinforce the point of it being below the next dollar.

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