
Topic: E-Marketing

Can Adwords Help With Other Marketing Channels?

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Does anyone have experience using Adwords as a testing ground for concepts that are deployed in other marketing channels. For example, testing a series of ads on Adwords and then using the winning text to form an email subject line, or testing one image against another in the optimizer and then using that image in a direct mail piece?

The assumption to be tested, of course, is that what works on the web would work in the other channels.

Does anyone have any experience with that?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I can say for sure, anecdotally, that you can effectively test subject lines for email by seeing which headlines work best in AdWords.

    I have never compiled data to this effect, but I know it works.

  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    AdWords is a perfect venue to experiment with different marketing messages. The reason is it is very easy to create multiple ads, each with a different variable changed in the message, and see which ad or ads perform that best.

    The thing to be careful about though is to change multiple things so you do not know exactly which change created the increase in conversions. Remember, of course, that conversions (however you define them, leads, sales, etc.) are success. Just clicks are not success.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I don't know of any research, but I do know that mindset is different. Online, PPC is useful when people are in "search" mode: looking for a solution/information. When in "receive" mode, people are filtering information differently. It would be an interesting research project.

    For email, you can always split test your subject line.

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