
Topic: E-Marketing

Web Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What are some low cost guerilla marketing techniques strategies for the web?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What type of product or service?
    What makes your offering special/different?
    Is your goal traffic or sales?

    These qns are just the tip of the iceberg. The technique should complement the business model.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear WowTV,

    Clicky, clicky:

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
  • Posted by ajanzer on Accepted

    Without knowing anything about your business, I could put forth a generic list:

    Build a website - then track user behavior on the site and see where it works and where it doesn't.

    Optimize the site for the search terms you think people will use - then track where you land in search engines.

    Try out a Google Adwords campaign to generate traffic if you think PPC advertising will work for your business -- but 10 days is too short to see if it's effective - you should try multiple keyword groupings and split-test your ads. Track conversion rates and cost

    Try an email campaign if appropriate for your market - again, split-test offers, and offer something of value.

    If appropriate for your market, create a blog and maintain it with interesting, fresh and useful content.

    If appropriate for your market, join Twitter, interact, and point people towards interesting and valuable postings on your blog.

    that's only 6 items -- and way more than 10 days of work. They're not things you can 'do and walk away from' so much as put in place and keep spinning. So the real questions are: how much time do you have, and how many plates can you keep spinning at once?

    If I were you I'd focus on the one or two core strategies that make the most sense for your business and target market and see if they're successful rather than going down some checklist of 10 items. You'll have to decide whether a viral video or a blog would be more useful. Anyone can do 10 random web marketing things and fail.

    Good luck.

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear WowTV.

    "I am looking for ten points that can be implemented in ten days."

    Why not say so in your original question? Don't shoot the messenger, all right?

    Ten points?

    Can do. Ready?

    1. Build a website laden with value and benefits.
    2. Have an offer on your site and gather names and e-mail addresses in exchange for that offer.
    3. Tell respondents that you'll give them "X" for every person they sign up.
    4. Market the same offer to those sign ups, and so on and so.
    5. Contact local press, radio, and TV and announce the same.
    6. Establish a fun, compelling, user generated content rich blog.
    7. Link that blog to other authority sites.
    8. Arrange some stunt that's safe and legal, but that's unusual.
    9. Make sure local TV covers the stunt. Tip them off.
    10. Drive traffic to your site via #s 7, 8, 9.

    Vary, rinse, and repeat.

    I hope these points help.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    You should give Google AdWords a try. Go through all their training material before you get started though as it really helps.

    Also, Google AdWords requires a lot of adjusting and experimentation especially at first to get the optimal ROI so you have to give it a chance to really determine if it is going to work for you.
  • Posted on Accepted
    you can try out SEO after that. learn how to tag your name.

  • Posted by Clive Fernandes on Accepted
    Dear WowTV,

    You've got some really good advice from Anne and Gary. I do not believe a strategy of 10 things in 10 days will work. Remember there are bunch of other companies out there looking for the same eyeball, so its easy at all!

    The list Gary gave you is pretty comprehensive - I see he cheated a little bit on the 10th point Just to complete that list I would add

    10. Set up an account on Social Networking sites. Start networking and make sure you have plenty of references to your site or product in your profile.

    Hope this helps.

    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes Consulting
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear Clive,

    You have seen through my cunning plan.

    Yes, I was clutching at straws a little on point 10 but
    you've saved my bacon with your brilliant repost.

    I posted on the topic of social media a few days ago.

    Perhaps it will be of interest to Wowtv?

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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