
Topic: E-Marketing

The Best Way To Learn Internet Marketing Online?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am a masters marketing part time student in South Africa that needs assistance with regards to internet marketing. Most of my job searches have shown high interest for ppl that can do internet marketing.

Does anyone know free online resources that i can learn internet marketing and any other advise regarding this topic? Your assistance will be most appreciated.
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  • Posted by mattbertuzzi on Accepted
    This is very timely as the Inbound Marketing University ( ) starts their web "classes" in a few weeks.

    The line-up is very interesting and it is organized by the folks at HubSpot. Also great resources from them:

    Best of luck.
  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    Learn by reading and doing. I wonder if you could find a small business that would give you a small budget and an internship so you could gets some hands on experience?

    If you any sort of budget to do a Google AdWords campaign, study their material, read up, and then start doing it.

    You want to learn SEO, read some material and try to optimize a site for the business.

    I work for the StreamSend Email Marketing service. We might look into a small account and learning email marketing. If you fill out the contact form there and address your inquiry to Neil, that's me, I could give you a small account you could use on an ongoing basis if you want to hands on learning for permission-based email marketing. I was a student once and so I always want to help students.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Sharon,

    The best way to learn Internet marketing is to search, read,
    learn, and act. And in this endeavour, Google will become
    your best friend.

    In short, you must become a student of the online world. You must seek out the best of the best and you must learn everything you can. But as good as your question is, it is perhaps a little too broad to serve you well.

    What do you want to learn?

    One time offers?
    Link building?
    How to set up a website?
    Affiliate marketing?
    List building?
    Product creation?

    How will you apply what you'll learn?

    Which niche (or niches) will you target?

    What solutions will you offer?

    What value will you give?

    Why should people buy from you and no one else?

    True, there are several free resources available, but at some
    point you'll need to invest a modest amount of money, otherwise you run the risk of missing out on a lot of great information.

    There are all kinds of free reports available from the following:

    Gary Halbert,
    Yanik Silver,
    Frank Kern,
    Dan Keneddy
    Perry Marsall,
    or John Carlton

    The thing is to keep looking but not to get too overwhelmed.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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