
Topic: E-Marketing

Seychelles - Tax Free Jurisdiction - Emarketing

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hi All,

I am into offshore financial services company from Seychelles which is a tax-free jurisdiction.
Products like International Business Company(IBC), Special License Company (CSL), International Trusts we are offering which helps clients to pay 0% tax or low tax on their total income.

For E-marketing (online) these products what strategies can be used so that it hits the market most???

We generally send mailers to our clients but response is very low, what to do??
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Your target audience isn't going to trust you with simply an e-marketing approach nor are they going to find you simply by looking at mailers or e-mails. You have an additional issue now with the recent UBS/IRS issue ( that will make trusting your benefit even harder.
  • Posted on Author
    Our Target Audience are Law Firms, HNIs, CAs, Tax consultants, Legal consultants.

    What could be the better ways to advertise our products other than sending mails or mailers?? Please tel me..
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    In your initial post, you mention that you're sending mailers to your "clients". If these people already trust you with another business relationship, and you're asking for a higher level of involvement, then start by making the relationship personal. Call them. Meet them. Create an online conference. A conference near them. Make it easy for people to find out everything about your organization (pros and cons) so they know that their funds are not only low-taxed but also 100% safe.
  • Posted by Clive Fernandes on Accepted
    Dear Sidd,

    I have to agree with my colleagues above that something as sensitive as large amounts of money involved with offshore companies etc will need a higher level of client relationship than one that is purely online.

    You need to develop a strategy wherein you get prospects into your sales funnel via online channels and then elevate potential clients to a real world relationship (phone/meeting/etc)

    As for online strategies, a quick search in this forum itself should give you some answers.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes COnsulting
  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Accepted
    Hi, sidd

    Just a little thing along with what's already said. Email marketing is, perhaps, the worst to advertise among particularly your target audience. Believe it or not, huge part of it not web-savvy, therefore will not take seriously just email marketing by itself without strong offline support. The best way to reach those people will be personal contact or contact through some kind of physical representation, such as letter, magazine, - something they can tough, smell, taste, or punch if they please. ;)

    Go brochures in a very high class print!

    Good Luck!

    Natasha Chernyavskaya
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks to all who replied my question..

    thanks again Natasha.

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