
Topic: Website Critique

I Need Feedback On My Website Pretty Please!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi- could please give me feed back on my website - - it's a national chamber for everything pet. Thank you in advance for your help.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    (Aside: You may have a legal problem with the words "Chamber of Commerce" in your name. The US Chamber of Commerce (and state/local groups) ensure that their name is used correctly - and they have the funds to do so. If you haven't already, check in with your local lawyer to ensure no ensuing problems.)

    My eyes can't figure out how to scan your page easily. There's too much information on your home page competing for my attention. Can you simplify it greatly, perhaps by eliminating your rightmost column?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Too many words. Not enough pictures/visual stuff.

    You have to find a way to grab people and tell your story with images. Nobody is going to read all those words and be persuaded.

    Sell the BENEFIT, not the features.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you there all very good suggestions
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    Hey there. I have to say, I didn't totally get it. I browsed around and am trying to figure out what you are providing. I agree the verbiage is overwhelming and confusing and the Chamber of Commerce thing confuses me. You call it a Pet Chamber of Commerce, but then you talk about joining a real Chamber of Commerce, and I didn't quite get the connection. I was wondering if you are an organization that promotes the national Chamber stuff or is the Chamber thing just a play on words for the pet aspect?

    I 100% agree with the writing for the web -- it seems as though you took a brochure or booklet and pasted the text in to your web pages. Even the paragraphs are not separated and it's extremely difficult to follow.

    The location of the national pet news -- the RSS feed headlines doesn't make sense -- maybe it needs it's own ... I don't know a header or something that makes it look less like an ad and more like a "section" with intresting and relevant news. The inclusion of it is a great idea, but I don't think it is implemented well.

    After looking around more, I found on your front page:
    "From individual Dog walkers to veterinarians, Pet Stores, to pet related or friendly businesses such as hotels, restaurants, and pharmaceutical providers we are here to... help your pet related business THRIVE all at the Pet Chamber."

    I think that stuff is pretty important -- the "what's in it for me" is buried below the fold and I think needs to be in a more central area. After reading that, the rest of your site made a little more sense to me.

    Also, with the header that goes all the way across, you're wasting prime top left space -- the place that people look at first is ... blank.

    Anyway -- this seems like a neat idea, but it was difficult for me to figure out what everything was about. Good suggestions above too and I hope this helps!

    take care,

    Jennifer P.
    XPRT Creative

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