
Topic: Website Critique

What You Think Of

Posted by Anonymous on 198 Points
We are working on some changes would love any and all feedback. We do digital pet publication and we green we waste no paper.
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    I don't understand.

    On one hand you say "We do digital pet publication and we green we waste no paper."

    While on the website you say: "Find a FREE copy locally or subscribe for home delivery."

    So, are you digital, or are you hard-copy?

    And how does a animal-kingdom wide pet book work? People are mostly either dog people or cat people. But not usually both. Shouldn't a pet book be much more niche interest to be worthwhile?

    If you ARE digital, wouldn't it be very easy to have a far more defined niche that 'all pets'?

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