
Topic: E-Marketing

What Is A Typical Open Rate For Heathcare Emails

Posted by jim on 250 Points
My client provides products and services to hospitals and our open rates seem low (about 7% on average). I am looking for feedback related to what a "typical" open rate is for emails targeting hospitals and or health care field and any suggestions or tips that may improve our efforts.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What kind of list are you using? If it's current customers who should know you, then 7% seems pretty low. If it's a rented list of "strangers" in a competitive category, then it may not be low.

    Also what is in the "From" field? The "Subject" line? Those can have a big impact on open rates.

    How frequently do you mail? If you mail frequently and recipients have learned that there isn't much of value to them in your mailings, then 7% might even be high.

    There is no "typical." The best measure is your ROI and the trends you see for your own mailings.
  • Posted by Clive Fernandes on Accepted
    Dear Jim,

    I am going to have to agree with Micheal here. There is no typical open rate. That would depend on many factors such as the contents of your message, determined by the subject; and the quality of your mailing list itself.

    To reiterate Micheal's advice again, your starting point should be to see if your mailing is actually generating a positive ROI. Once that is achieved you then need to keep optimizing and improving your results till your statistics show that not much more is possible.

    Hope that helps.

    Best Regards,
    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes Consulting

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