
Topic: E-Marketing

Why Isn't This Ebook Selling?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I don't get it. I've written a great landing page [I think]. The product, an ebook on stress is great. But the sales are not coming in. HELP. Is it copyrwriting, design, ?? what?

[inactive link removed]

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Do you know how many unique visitors and page views you get each day? How many sales?

    There are two factors here: one is overall traffic, the other is conversion.

    How do you drive people to the site? I don't think you have that much traffic as your Alexa ranking is almost 700,000.

    Although you need to focus on both (traffic and conversion), I think the larger issue right now is traffic.

    What is your current marketing plan for this?

  • Posted by Markitek on Accepted
    Simple answer for me is: I don't know what you do.

    Relieve stress could be anything from meditation to rolling stress balls to exercise . . .you need to state clearly and specifically what it is you do, how you do it, what benefits people will get from it, why it's unique and why you're qualified to do this.

    Don't talk around the subject, talk right to it.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    I think there are still some serious design problems here.

    Massive dead space front and centre, awkward, muddy highlighting, inappropriate font style and size choices...

    This needs an expert hand. If you can afford to get some professional help, I would post a project on the project board here.

    Hope this helps.


  • Posted on Member
    I ran a search under the keyword "stress" through and there's about 21,300,000 web pages (occurrences with the word stress) over the Internet that deal with this topic which means it's a super competitive topic and keyword.

    You may want to focus or target on a specific group (as suggested above such as working moms?)

    Comments have already been made about design so I won't go on about it here, you may want to get rid of the animated art on the side, it makes your site look unprofessional.

    I think you may also want to revise your copy. Outline the benefits that your reader will get from reading your book. The copy does seem rather vague.

    Also, try not to underline words that aren't hyperlinks. This is a common mistake that confuses visitors. Only underline hyperlinks.

    You've got a link to a free stress assessment on your landing page, if people click on that, they get taken away from ordering your ebook!

    You may want to focus your landing page on just converting visitors to buy the ebook and nothing else.

    Good luck!

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