
Topic: Just for Fun

How Would You Market The Planet Earth? Part 1 Of ?

Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on 500 Points
Imagine you have been selected to market our planet to the Universe.

All utopic ideals aside, what would you do? What kind of brand does Earth have? What is it's USP and value?

Think about how you would promote it. What realistic additions or subtractions to technology, economy, government, merchandising, etc. would you implement in order to make it more valuable? Are thier any continents you would highlight? Any that need improvement?

Again, please spare me the world peace, "why can't we all just get along" stuff. Use your imagination to come up with some realistic answers. Look around you. What do we need to create? What to we need to destroy?

More products? If so, what do we need? Why?

Less polution? More brands of toothpaste? More schools? Less computers? Less question marks? LOL!!

Who, what, why, when and where?

I know this is a compound question. The multiple questions are there to get you on track with what I'm looking for. Please try to answer the best you can.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Author
    RAMO- because I believe utopic ideals are not realistic and usually tied to religion. You proved my point.

    Utopia defies all natural and supernatural law. I want to keep religious debates out of the mix since they will only distract from the true nature of the question.

    I'm looking for REALISTIC answers, not pipe dreams!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Author

    Interesting statements and right on the money with regards to education, the human behavior, and truth.

    Another challenge to truth is the "1+1=2" debate. If you take one apple and add another, you have two apples, and therefore 1+1=2. But imagine 2 piles of bricks. Each pile is "one" entity. Now combine the two piles and what do you get? One pile of bricks, Therefore 1+1=1.

    Cool food for thought! Thanks!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Nice question. It's really challenging to be put in a situation that is not actually happening nor I think it would happen.

    Since in the questions you said, "imagine," then I will assume that in the process of imagining, I would be free to imagine anything to provide you with a solution but except to give you a solution with utopic ideals.

    Then in order to answer your question, I will imagine that in the Universe there are three potential buyers, that might be interested about buying the Earth, and that actually have the purchasing power.

    The first potential buyer is a little planet but with very intelligent organisms that like to spend their lives analyzing other civilizations or planets that haven't achieved their level of intellect.

    The second potential buyer is a huge planet but with little civilization, and this civilization have also achieved a high level of intellect, but in the past, they lived in great discord, and they are the only survivors from a tremendous war, and their philosophy is that they live to help other civilizations extinguish their wars, and bring peace or at least raise their levels of living as long as these civilizations seem to them friendly, and willing to improve. And in their planet, gold, and other mineral resources are in great amount.

    The last potential buyer is a small planet that is willing to pay more than the previous potential buyers, but this one is looking for a planet, which is highly productive, and great potential to expand. Yet, this buyer has stated that he is not willing to buy a planet in which there are many disagreement about things like "Who God is, or Whose God is real" because this doesn't allow the civilizations to focus on more important things.

    Of course that in the universe there are many other buyers but I just put these for the following reasons:

    1- If somebody wants to buy the earth, then a high purchasing power is necessary and that usually means a highly intelligent and educated individual.

    2- The universe is composed by many different species but there must be something in common, which in this case is that they are willing to help, or just expand their boundaries.

    3- Here I am also assuming that these potential buyers have great interest in buying a planet with great amount of water resources.


    Then I will start by analyzing the current situation of the Earth in order to sell it to these possible buyers.

    I don't think I will add something to how the Earth is right now, because it will require too much effort to change it, and they might find other better planet, before we accomplish something like world peace, etc.

    As we can see, the earth is very suitable for the first buyer because technology is not that advanced so it will be like a tool of game or a planet of entertainment for them because they will be able to explain the earth how to improve their current technology, economic situation and other type of things like in Biology or chemistry.

    The second planet could identify themselves with our planet, and since they are willing to help, we could take advantage of their feelings, and then sell it to them.

    The last one that might seem for many that it will be impossible to sell it without making any change, and then we will appeal to the entrepreneurial side of this buyer.

    After having said that, then I would say that we would need a strong very intelligent marketing team to plan how to actually do it. The sales force we will use will be very well trained in many aspects about the earth and will have many facts.

    Since the product we are selling is very expensive, then we really need to give a tour to our buyers around the world. But the tour will start on the moon, our natural satellite because from there, the earth can be fully appreciated. Then, we will take them to each different continent and allow them to speak with different people, we will have interpreters, and we will make more emphasis on children, and telling them about the great potential each kid has. During these tours, there will be big screens with different advertisements targeting them.

    After having showed them around the earth, then we will contact each one individually, and this will be done in order to appeal more personally to each individual’s taste. To the first buyer, we will start dealing and make a presentation by making emphasis on the fact that there are many illiterate in the world, that there are many countries that still have a low level of intelligence. That there are many people on earth that have DOWNS syndrome, etc. Since they like to analyze lower civilizations, then we will portray the earth as it is actually, a planet with many wars because of problems arising from conflicts that will be of no matter for higher beings.

    Then to the second buyer, we will present many videos that will be targeted at making them realize that the earth, needs help from someone who has been in the same situation and that it is now that we need it or in some near future, probably there will be no survivor. Here we will present them with facts from history, provide them books that have all terrible happenings in history and that still happen today. Yet we will not only make emphasis that we are a world that lives on war, but that the earth’s civilization specially the young people are trying to change, and that they have hope that the earth can still be changed if somebody shows them how to improve.

    To the third one, we will use the highest technology we have to give a powerful presentation. We will appeal low to the emotional side but we will appeal more to the side that this buyer is actually an entrepreneur and that the earth is a planet with great potentials, and that could give him back what he invested in a very short time. (Here I don’t know what else to put, but use your imagination).

    I hope that helps,
    Oscar Góngora

    P.S. If you were wondering the method of payment, then I will tell you that I didn’t include that here because I don’t think the Earth has a price, and cannot be sold.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Author

    Use your brain a JUST little bit and think about what you said. If you are marketing a planet, it is safe to assume you are marketing all the inhabitants as "features". This is the second time this week you have publicly patronized either my questions or my answers. Send me an email immediately. WE need to talk.

    Everyone else, thanks for having a bit of imagination and a sense of humor. (Amir) LOL!!

    P.S. Just for clarity about the target market, see gong629, cal, and mbarber's responses for guidance. In otherwords, who do you think the target market would be? What makes the Earth useful? Who would want it and why.

    The possibilities are endless so assume there are wet, dry, small, large, smart, stupid, friendly, tyrannical, advanced, and non-advanced planets out there looking for a place to visit and assume there might be some rich aliens who may want to "buy" the Earth.

    I'm not going to give the answers for you Cortez42. If you haven't figured it out, don't reply. Better yet, shoot me an email for some hints. Everyone else seems to get it.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Author
    I'm closing this one out. Thanks everybody!

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I would market the earth as a vacation destination.

    happy trails

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