
Topic: Website Critique

How To Design The Website Organically?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are into education sector and have Web site that provides information about programs, why us and other resources. We are in process of re-designing the Web site. We want our Web site to be on the top of the search engine lists. One way is to pay the search engines for the key words but I am looking for an alternative way. I have heart about designing the Web site in such a manner that search engines will automatically pick your Web site and put it on the top 5 listings. I am not sure but it's called organically designing the Web site. Can I request the experts to share their knowledge and educate me how to design the website that will be easily picked by search engines. Also, what factors should be considered for such type of objective?

Thanks for sharing your expertise
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    The basics are that you need to create your web site so that it is catalog-able by the search engines. This means make it in a form which the search engine can find, and in such a way that it ranks you high on the appropriate words. There is no guarantee that you will get top-5 placing, but doing this can always improve your listing.

    There are lots of articles and prior questions on this subject, which you may want to look through (use the search bar at the top or the 'search questions' link at the right). For example, here is one that may be good:

    If you post the URL for your web site, then some folks here may be able to provide specific comments on how to improve your ranking.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi ms,

    Some of the main tricks to building search engine friendly organic web pages full of good "spider food" are to 1) design the site so that there is a high density of relevant keywords and keyword phrases 2) Use alt tags on images 3) Don't overuse Flash and most definitely do not use an all Flash home/splash page and 3) very importantly develop strong inbound link partnerships (links originating from other companies websites that link to yours) and the more popular these links are (look at their Page Ranking) the better for you.

    A great company to contact for a professional evaluation and a lot of great free information is Page Views at

    Also, Shari Thurow has written an excellent book that will tell you just about all you need to know:

    "Search Engine Visibility" ISBN #0-7357-1256-5

    I hope that helps.

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