
Topic: E-Marketing

How Do I Word My Email Letter For Maximum Response

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
The product I want to get leads for addresses some real business issues Such as Legal Compliance, Bandwith Utilization and Employee productivity.

It is a computer based product but requires virtually no assistance from the clients IT department.

I need to get the attention of the CEO so that he can filter the request downwards.
The IT fraternity in my country are not very tuned into business issues
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Belsham,

    There is so much information already available here in the archives as your question has been asked many times over.

    You really do need to do yourself a favor and read all this valuable information, you will learn a lot.

    Click on the sidebar on the right where it says "Search Questions" and then type in your query.

    You might also want to consider filling in your profile so we know more about you, this allows us to give more complete answers.

    I hope that helps.

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