
Topic: E-Marketing

Lotus, Outlook, Netscape Testing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are looking for a service or software package that can emulate how differant email clients (and versions) display HTML email. Any ideas?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    What I have done was the manual method, not used some software package. I installed the main different email programs onto a computer and set up different email addresses which each would download from. Then sent the message to these addresses and viewed each program's results.

    Did the same with different browser programs to see how the web sites looked.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    We've done the same thing: set up all the accounts (well, most of them), and actually hit the send button.

    This is really the best way to go because not only do you need to see how the email looks across all of the ISPs and client software, but you also need to see if your mail is ending up in the bulk or spam folder.

    To see how your Web pages look across different browsers, however (not your question, I understand), you can use

  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    The most recent reply was very good, but having done this for six or severn years now, I can tell you that you're setting yourself up for heartache if you're going to rely on looking at your email in IE to see exactly what it will look like Eudora.

    In addition, you still don't know if the mail will be put into the bulk folder, and you've not addressed how you'll be able to handle Hotmail, Gmail, or Yahoo.

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