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Take 10: Five Scannable Hot Spots in Your Copy That Boost Response

Donna Baier Stein
Fri, Nov 7, 2014
10 minutes

It's safe to say your customers won't read every carefully crafted word you write—they're already overstimulated. With that in mind, how can you ensure they read the most important points in your copy?

In just 10 minutes, you'll learn how to highlight the key selling points and calls to action by strategically placing them in the five hot spots your readers' eyes gravitate to. You'll walk away with tips on how to develop more persuasive and effective copy that is organized in a way that will encourage response.


Donna Baier Stein is a copywriter and creative consultant. She has written for Amex, Smithsonian, World Wildlife Fund, Oxford University Press, Time, and many others. She was named 2013 Copywriter of the Year by American Writers and Artists Inc., as well as the 2009 Direct Marketer of the Year by the New England Direct Marketing Association. Donna has created and taught seminars on copywriting for the Direct Marketing Association for 20 years and authored two books, Write on Target and The New Marketing Conversation.

Who Should Attend?

This Take 10 is for copywriters, creative directors, social media marketers, ad agency account executives, small business owners, or anyone eager to make their words more punchy and persuasive.

What Will You Learn?

  • How to identify the five scannable hot spots in your copy
  • How to use a Johnson Box, subheads, and the postscript effectively
  • How to use the inverted pyramid structure

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