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  • Nearly three-quarters of marketers (73%) say integrating video with email marketing increases click-through rates (CTR), and fully one-half are now using video in their email marketing programs, according to a survey from the Web Video Marketing Council.

  • With new social and messaging platforms emerging every day, it's natural to wonder whether email is still relevant. But, even though we have a myriad ways to communicate with customers today, email is still unmatched. And these five tips will help you increase your returns from email even more.

  • Are enterprise marketers using artificial intelligence to help with their email campaigns? If so, what are the most common uses and challenges? To find out, RPE Origin and Ascend2 surveyed 110 marketers who work for organizations with 500+ employees.

  • Many companies are realizing that batch-and-blast email marketing is no longer effective: 46% say they have already implemented automated, event-triggered, email marketing programs and, among those not currently running such programs, 58% plan to do so in the next two years, according to a survey from StrongMail

  • Explore the impact of generative AI on B2B email marketing—from saving time to enhancing personalization. Read more to boost your campaigns.

  • Jay Schwedelson, founder of, chats about B2B email marketing tactics that are working right now. He shares what keeps him up at night, what email hurdles you should watch out for, what email myths need to be busted, and more.

  • How are marketers adapting their email strategies in a rapidly evolving digital world? Check out six trends that emerged from Knak's email marketing benchmark report.

  • Michael Barber digs into email hacks for B2B marketers, including what keeps him awake at night, tips to pay attention to, words of wisdom for 2023, and more.

  • Apple's Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) feature appears to have had a noticeable impact on email engagement metrics following its introduction last year, according to recent research from Campaign Monitor.

  • Is your email marketing underperforming? You're not alone. The good news? This webinar offers key insights into what's driving audience engagement in 2022. Join us to learn how to increase opens, get more clicks and conversions, and improve campaign ROI with these simple (but effective) tips. Sponsored by Vidyard.

  • This infographic from DiGGrowth explores how to create more effective and engaging email campaigns.

  • From privacy features to dark mode options, email marketing has become much more complex over the past decade. Marketers need to be open to continual change.

  • This infographic covers the key strategies and goals you should pursue along the email subscriber journey. It also provides email marketing tips for each step.

  • Email remains one of the most stable marketing platforms: everyone has email and no one can take away your list. Maximize your email effectiveness—from Deliverability to Open Rates, Subject Lines to CTAs—with Jay Schwedelson, CEO and President of Worldata.

  • Online marketing is always changing—just think of the death of cookies. Learn why email marketing will continue to grow in importance in your marketing stack and how you can use email to take advantage of the marketing changes coming your way.

  • Marketers at large companies plan to focus their email strategies more on automation and mobile-friendly design in the year ahead, according to recent research from OMI and Ascend2.

  • New technology is here that can both improve email domain security and increase email engagement. Learn about how using VMCs can enhance your email marketing.

  • It's no longer enough to personalize emails using only the [your name] field. Customers are over it. Luckily, there's a better way to personalize: dynamic content.

  • You know email is crucial to your marketing success. But if you're not seeing the results you need, you need some new tools and strategies to get you back in the game. Join us for this webinar to discover how to drive lead gen success with email in 2022. Sponsored by ViB.

  • More isn't always better with your email marketing strategy. The pandemic caused many marketers to follow a mass messaging approach in 2020, but prospects aren't likely to respond to that tactic in 2021. Here are four tactics to use now.