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  • The term "disloyalty program" is not what it may seem. In fact, it's a form of effective loyalty-building based on a partnership premise, and it's gaining marketing popularity. Here's all that you need to know.

  • Marketing is not about bombarding customers with messages and hoping they'll purchase a product; it's about gathering data and listening to what they want. Here are four ways to use data to deliver the end-to-end experience customers are craving.

  • Privacy concerns have reached a boiling point. Consumers, regulators, Web browsers, advertisers, brands... all are evolving to meet the changing privacy landscape. Marketers are considering how to best reach customers while respecting their privacy and earning their trust. See what lies ahead in 2020 and beyond.

  • Thanks to the social-driven economy, consumer demand for convenience, and a culture of "I want it now," subscription and direct-to-consumer (DTC) e-commerce is booming. The industry is evolving quickly, and heading into 2020 these are five trends to watch.

  • Thinking of a customer experience in digital-only terms is limiting. For brands to stand out and truly capture (and keep) customer attention, they must incorporate physical elements and appeal to all of a customer's senses. Here are three ways you can do exactly that.

  • In three weeks, on January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), goes into effect. As a result, for the first time, US businesses will be subject to a far stricter set of privacy regulations in-country.

  • Fitness expert, author, and YouTube personality Lucy Wyndham-Read returns to talk about how she's continued to dominate the HIIT (high-intensity interval training) market by community-building on social media, creating free content, and leveraging word-of-mouth.

  • New digital experiences continue to disrupt customer journeys, leading marketers to rethink the traditional funnel. A new customer journey has taken shape, creating more meaningful touchpoints and potentially leading to increased revenue.

  • Got an App? Keep Them Tapping!

    Sponsored Webinar

    The truth is that users abandon most mobile apps within the first month. How do you make sure your app is one that consumers continue to engage with? Sponsored by CleverTap.

  • This infographic outlines and debunks persistent myths about mom-and-pop shops and offers seven actionable tips to help small businesses compete and thrive against big retailers.

  • At some point, we all learned about the 4Ps of marketing: place, price, product, and promotion. Those still hold weight, but marketing has been undergoing drastic changes, and companies now face a host of new challenges. These new 4Ps of marketing are the way forward.

  • Online shopping has transformed both retail and customer experience. But all's not well: Today's online shoppers face some big issues. Before you lose customers to industry Goliaths like Amazon, you'll need to mitigate those challenges.

  • Learn how to become a data-driven organization from Linda Schumacher, senior director of analytics and data strategy at CX company Qualified Digital.

  • Customers today have choices. One unfortunate experience with your company and they won't think twice to switch to a competitor. If you don't focus on customer service, you will bleed revenue. But delivering live chat support to customers can make all the difference.

  • Consumers' attitudes toward the music being played in retail stores vary widely depending on the genre of music as well as the volume, according to recent research from Cloud Cover Music.

  • Social media has been a key part of digital marketing—but usage is declining, especially among Gen Z and Millennials. Most marketers never believed they'd see the day. But that day seems to be here. So now what do we do?

  • Consumers today are more than cost-conscious. They're also socially conscious. To appeal to these consumers, brands can't simply offer quality goods and services; they must also support good causes and be service-oriented. Here's what you need to know about cause marketing.

  • Human beings, your customers included, are concerned about their status in society—and have been for as long as societies have existed. That's because much of status-seeking is instinctual. In modern consumer societies, that instinct expresses itself in some interesting ways.

  • Rani Mani, head of social influencer enablement at software giant Adobe, shares the mindset, approaches, and tactics that make the Adobe Insiders program successful.

  • Savannah Bananas owner Jesse Cole explains how a 'fans first' approach, a unique organizational culture, and a willingness to be zany helped him to bring summer league baseball to Savannah, a city that hadn't hosted a successful baseball team in 90 years.